Peabody Award-nominated podcast 70 Million is coming back for our fourth season! Join us for more in-depth reporting and rich narrative storytelling from communities impacted by the carceral complex. We'll bring you updates from previous seasons and new dispatches from the frontlines of criminal legal system reform. First episode launches September 13, 2021.
Find more information—including transcripts and resource guides—and catch up on our past three seasons here.
Mitzi Miller:
In three seasons of audio documentaries, 70 Million has chronicled how remarkable people around the U.S. compelled local systems of injustice to change, or disappear. This fall, we’ll continue with that work in season 4. We’ll capture the real cost of letting the criminal legal system be the catch-all for unattended social ills and forgotten populations.
Adam Kaney:
They need to work now, they need housing now, they need you know, access to their children, now.
Julia Mines:
I don't know how I ended up there. Right? I wasn't raised that way. And when the back door slammed, it was like a jarring experience. Like my kids were out there somewhere. Um, something had to change.
Mitzi Miller:
We’ll take on the big questions we must answer as a society — about who we are and who we pretend to be.
Anthony Taylor:
What do you want for your family member, be it whatever drug they may use, be it whatever crime they may commit? Don't you want them to be armed and helped with the resources available to make them a productive member of society? Or do you just want them thrown in a cell for five years?
Michael Latham:
We realized we're locking kids up that probably shouldn't be locked up.
Mitzi Miller:
And we’ll be honest: about the work that lies ahead, about the persistent detractors, and about the true change agents among us.
Shannon Baldwin:
When you talk about criminal justice reform and differences made today, we did that in two and a half years—turning the system upside down.
Debra Davis:
I feel like, like black women right now, are standing up as a last line of defense: defense of democracy, defense of this country.
Mitzi Miller:
70 Million is a Peabody-nominated narrative series from LWC Studios. For more, visit Season 4 launches on September 13. Find us wherever you listen.